Request: Confirmation before canceling task/note editing when ESC key pressed

Request: Confirmation before canceling task/note editing when ESC key pressed

Notes and tasks can contain a large amount of text, so accidentally brushing the ESC key when editing a task/note can be quite damaging, as the text field is closed immediately and all edits are lost.

As a result, it would be great if Checkvist would confirm before exiting edit mode when the ESC key is pressed.  Unlike a text field in a standard form (where pressing the ESC key has no effect), it possible to lose a lot of work just by pressing a single key when editing a task or note in Checkvist (as you may imagine, this is something I've experienced first-hand).

Please let me know if anything requires more details for clarification.  Thank you.


  1. Hello Sol,

    This is a good note. But I would not want to add an extra confirmation in such a case.

    What do you think if Checkvist would ask to restore old edited text in a case you'll start editing such a node again? The same could apply for adding an item.

    I.e. you start editing, make modifications, press ESC - changes are removed. If you start editing the same node - Checkvist asks if you'd like to restore the last edited text, before pressing ESC.


  2. Hello,

    We've implemented UNDO after pressing ESC during editing. Could you please take a look, how it works for you?

    Thanks for idea,

  3. Looks good!  My only feedback is that the undo ability should be removed (and the alert hidden) once the task/note has been edited again (similar to undo functionality in a text editor, etc.).

    Currently Checkvist retains the discarded content even after the task/note has been re-edited, which can cause confusion because the undo overwrites their edits without any clear recourse to retain their latest edits (i.e. "will pressing ESC restore my latest edits or revert the content back to the state before these discarded edits?").

  4. Thanks for the feedback! We've corrected this and updated the production site.

  5. Quick note: the popup alert is indeed hidden, but the undo functionality still remains via the shortcuts (CTRL-Z/uu).  For consistency, it would be great if the undo functionality were nullified as well to avoid any unexpected behavior.


  6. May be, and may be not. So far we don't want to disable UNDO, because 1 minute may be not enough in some cases.
    I don't think there is a harm with not disabling UNDO even when the message is not shown.

  7. The main problem is that the once the user has re-edited and saved new content for a task/note, the saved undo content is stale.

    As such, the need or desire to revert back to this outdated state is highly unlikely.  If anything, the undo functionality should revert the task/note content back to the state it was in prior to the most recent edit.

  8. After re-editing and saving new content for a list item there is a separate UNDO message. For notes this is not a case, but notes are not edited often.

    Did you face a case when this hidden UNDO resulted in some trouble or data loss?

  9. Yes, the inconsistent undo behavior I referred to is based on my experience.  I cannot speak for other users, but I update note content at least as frequently as (if not more frequently than) task text, so consistent behavior across all editing operations would be very welcomed indeed.

    In other words, rather than requiring users to remember different behavior for a specific operation that applies only for certain text fields, it would require less mental load (and simply make more sense) if the behavior were consistent across all of Checkvist's text fields (e.g. as it is with multi-line text, markdown formatting, adding links, keyboard shortcuts, etc...pretty much everything else, actually).

  10. I see, thanks. I think a better solution in this case would be to implement Undo after usual note editing, like after task editing.

    The fact that UNDO works after 1 minute timeout (when message disappears) helped me to restore missing data a couple of times, so I'd like to keep this behaviour.


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