Import issue: OPML requires refresh

Import issue: OPML requires refresh

Recently, tasks imported in OPML format will no longer be displayed until the page has been refreshed.  However, tasks imported in other formats (Wiki, Tabs, etc.) are displayed immediately.

This is unfortunate because OPML provides the most control over structure and formatting when importing (e.g. formatting is often lost when importing tasks exported using the Markdown option) and refreshing the page affects productivity due to not being able to work until the list has been reloaded.


  1. Hello Sol,

    Thanks for writing us about the bug, we'll fix it this week and will let you know.


  2. Thanks, I look forward to it!

  3. Awesome, and it's fast too! Importing 100+ tasks took only a few seconds when it previously took quite a bit longer even when it didn't require a refresh.

    Thank you.

  4. Thank you for the rapid response!


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