Hey Kirill

Hey Kirill,

Checkvist shows the task as "overdue" when the due date elapses. Is there a CSS trick to show the days past due (instead of just overdue) for an overdue task?

I am trying to (mis)use this feature to track the number of days since I have started a task. I was thinking I could simply mark a task with due date of today when I start it, and then use something like above to know how many days the task has been active.



  1. Hello,

    There is no such a trick, but we're going to show the actual missed due date for overdue dates. You can see how it works on https://beta.checkvist.com

    In the tooltip over missed due date you can see how many days passed since the due.

    Would it help?


  2. That wouldn't work. I would have to hover over each one to see. Would it be possible to do via TamperMonkey and can you pull some JS code together for it?

  3. Hello, it may work with an external Javascript (this information is available in 'title' attribute of each due item), but I'm afraid I don't have free time to solve this task for you.


  4. Ok. Ill make an attempt and see if I get somewhere. Thanks!


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