This might be a really ridiculous question, but here goes.

This might be a really ridiculous question, but here goes. I'm making a checklist for collectible items in a video game because I can't seem to find one anywhere else, and I'd like to share it so other people can use it. But if I share it, will they get their own version of the list, or will it check off items on all versions? To elaborate, will my list be changed or affected if others use the one I publicly share?


  1. Seems like a very good question to those of us who have never shared a list. :^)

  2. Hi Jordan, if you share your list as is, the other people will use the same instance of the list and if they make changes there or mark items as completed, you'll see it in this very list.

    It is very easy to create an own copy of the list, by using toolbar->more actions->Copy/Move command. So if you share the list in read-only mode, or make this list public, other people will be able to create own copies of the list and check off items in their own copies.

    Some more docs on sharing lists:

    Hope this helps,


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