

If you'd prefer, feel free to delete this and reply privately.

We've created a very interesting proofing system that draws data from our various checkvist lists. It transforms the data into a final, ready-to-publish design. I'd like to make an offer and a request:

Offer: you're welcome to the code for this system if you think it might be helpful. I realize only a small % of your users are using CheckVist to create publishing projects, but with this code perhaps you could increase that %. We are happy to share.

Request: the system has a "global export" function that exports all our final-proof content to a single HTML file. It draws data from all our CheckVist pages at once (100 pages maximum). We won't do this often, but, if you want, we can commit to doing it only in low-traffic time periods. Just tell us the best time.

I ran such an export 15 minutes ago (at 10:42am EST) if you want to see what it looks like in your logs. I don't believe it will be a problem for you, but I want to make sure you're ok with it.


  1. Thanks, Jim!

    From the logs I see that you used calls like /checklists/NNN/tasks.json to obtain the data. I've added a cache several months ago for such requests, so it is quite OK to do this export any time (in many cases, data in the lists didn't change, so the cache is effective).

    Thanks for the offer, I'd be interested to take a look at how you implemented the publishing system. Actually, I'd also be glad to create a kind of case study, on what can be done with Checkvist. A kind of blog post, may be?

    If you're open to share your code, it may become a useful open-source project for other people.

    Thanks a lot for your offer again,

  2. Kirill, great. We are working like crazy for 4 more months to finish our job. When we're done (so we have some time) we will give you a "tour" and offer you the code. I won't forget!

  3. Jim Leff I wish you best luck with your project, and hope it will work out well. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any Checkvist-related questions/issues.


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