What do you think about this request?

What do you think about this request?
This is actually in-line with how paste works now.




  1. Seems like a no-brainer to me. Of course, implementing it would create some pushback, as users have learned to work around it.

  2. In most of the pgms I use, enter add a sibling, shift-enter (or shift-tab) add a child. I perfectly understand what is the problem when pressing enter on a node a very big multi-level list.
    But what I dislike is that the enter behavior is context-dependent.
    So, ok if we can mute this in the settings and kept the original behavior.

  3. Thanks for your thoughts.

    I've made an experiment and implemented this approach, currently on https://beta.checkvist.com. Enter on collapsed node adds a sibling, Enter on expanded node adds a child. Could you please try it out and see how it works for you?

    Philippe Demoulin - do you really think that you'll need the option to disable this behaviour?


  4. Kirill Maximov Well, I can switch to the new way.. But I think to old users that have small lists.. well like me ;).... With small lists that are in general expanded (unfold), "enter = add a child" is frustating. Well, you answer a request of (I guess) a small list of users who use big lists... so you plan to change the basic behavior of a big whole part of users who that's the true are not concerned by the few's problem.
    It is up to you for the setting... in the company for which I code.. changing the habit always requires a "back to old version" settings in the Preferences.... that can disappear after one or two releases when people had the time to become familar with...

  5. FWIW I prefer the new way but didn't suffer from the old.

  6. We played with this a bit, but it looks like Philippe Demoulin is right - it gives some unexpected confusion. And especially, for cases when there are nodes with not many subnodes.

    So with the focused node we will add a child item, but for expanded parent will still add a sibling.


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