Global searches for assignments for a given worker stopped working. I can only find assignments created weeks ago, none within the past few days.

On my pages, examples would be (at)Pierre, which finds nothing, and (at)LSR which finds only very old ones.

Note: I can't type the "at" sign or Google Groups formats it.


  1. Hello Jim, looks like currently the search returns records for both people. I'll investigate, probably the assignee changes are not updated in time (they should update within 15 minutes after the change). Will let you know if I'll manage to reproduce the problem.

  2. I've checked - it worked for me so far. Could you please check once more, if it works for you?

  3. I haven't had time to thoroughly test. Testing's hard, because of the indexing the time the index catches up, the editor has usually finished and deleted the assignment.

    Search is definitely catching more assignments than it was when I left the original report.

  4. I did my tests by assigning a task and checking after 15 minutes if the global search works. Hopefully, this was a temporary glitch, and it won't hurt you again. Actually, we're planning to improve the search so it would work real-time, without the delay. Hope to release this before the summer.

  5. That sounds like a smart test. I'd appreciate it if you could possibly try it a few more times on your end. Normally, I'd be glad to serve as beta tester to confirm resolution, but I honestly don't have a spare minute these days.  And loss of search obviously is a serious problem.

  6. Hi Jim, I understand your sarcasm :) We're aware that sometimes (looks like quite rarely), Checkvist doesn't pick the changes, and we're going to address this problem, as I wrote above. Checkvist re-indexes all data daily, and after such reindexing all such problems disappear.

    If you want to get notified when we'll fix this issue, please vote for


  7. I won't vote. Fixing your problems benefits you more than me. Just as testing your solutions is your job, not mine (if I have time, I'm happy to help; I wasn't being sarcastic, I just don't have time).

  8. Global searches for assignments is broken again. It's showing only old ones.


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