In several places, Checkvist mentions a "filter" function that searches for parts of words, in contrast with the...

In several places, Checkvist mentions a "filter" function that searches for parts of words, in contrast with the plain search that looks only for entire words. Is there any documentation on this? I can't find any in the help pages.


  1. Hello Jim,

      You're correct, global search works only on whole words, and the filter also works on parts of the words. This happens due to different approaches used for filtering and global search.

      When a global search does not show any results, it shows a message explaining why this could happen. The first possible reason is that only whole words are searched with global search.

      Thanks for noticing that we don't mention this difference in the help, we'll add the corresponding note under


  2. Kirill, can you please give me quick suggestions about how to use the filter to search for partial words? Just enough to get me started? I can't figure out how it works, and I desperately need it.

  3. Hello Jim, at the top of a list page there is a search field. If you start typing in it, it will hide list items which does not contain text entered. Please take a look at this picture:

    Is it what you need? Or I'm missing something?


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