
Should the markdown table syntax work in notes?

When I add

| First Header | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| First Cell | Second Cell |
| First Cell | Second Cell |

After adding that note, it looks like

First Header Second Header
Second Cell
Second Cell

Am i doing it wrong somehow?


  1. Hello,

    I just tried it in one of my lists - works just fine. Do you probably have a custom CSS style, which could break the first cell?


  2. Hello Timo, can I ask you to send me a screenshot of how it looks in your list? (along with OS and browser details, please). Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the fast answers, i had custom css to hide avatars from comments

    .commentTable tr td:first-of-type {
    display: none;

    When i removed that, tables work just fine (though of course my avatar reappeared :()

    Is there a way to keep avatar, not show it in comments while tables still work?

    Thanks again

  4. Hello Timo,

       Could you please try CSS like
    .commentTable > tr > td:first-of-type {
    display: none;

      It should work.


  5. Hello,
    Just stating the obvious here, but my understanding of CSS is minimal at the best :). Kirill, that still shows avatar?

    But it's not a big deal


  6. I'm sorry, I haven't verified the solution :(
    The correct CSS is

    .authorPic {display: none;}
    ul.comments div.coreNote {margin-left: 0}

  7. Hello, I've just added this avatar CSS code snippet to our public collection :) https://checkvist.com/checklists/486715-checkvist-customization-css-samples#task_21275879
    Glad it's growing and thanks for the suggestion!


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