Hello friends!

Hello friends!

I'd like to ask for your opinion regarding multi-line text editing. This suggestion comes from one of our Russian-speaking customers Dolina Zamkova so here is a translated abstract of our email conversation.

Current problem: When you write multi-line text, you must press 'Shift-Enter' first, then use 'Enter' to start a new line, then 'Ctrl-Enter' to submit the text. Wouldn't it be easier to have a setting that will allow using Enter to always write multi-line texts, and always submit on 'Ctrl-Enter', like you do it in text messengers?

So we could add a new account-wide setting, on the Settings page:

() Finish editing by pressing 'Ctrl-Enter'
(convenient for multi-line text)

What do you think? Do you write multi-line texts in Checkvist at all? Other thoughts of how we could make it better? :)


  1. I most definitely use multi-line text - it's extremely useful. I agree that the current functionality could be a little simpler. If I'm not mistaken, Excel manages this situation using just two different key combinations: 'Enter' to finish the data entry, and 'Alt-Enter' to continue entering data in the same cell. This is similar to the suggestion of Dolina Zamkova in that it there are just two key combinations required.

    But for those of us who just "sometimes" use multiline entries, I don't want to have to use 'Cntrl-Enter' for every line. Perhaps we could somehow toggle between single and multi-line text entry modes?

    My main concern is to keep data entry simple... so I prefer using just 'Enter' to submit a line or a multi-line chunk of data to Checkvist.

  2. Sasha Maximova 
    Sasha, as I understand that the request for optionality is present. Maybe it is necessary to discuss my offer about double settings?

    (I am sorry, I know English language badly).

  3. Jim McGuire 
    The offer (Ctrl + Enter) concerns not every line, but closing of item. For linebreaks it is necessary to use habitual key (Enter).

  4. I agree with Jim McGuire that enter must submit the data, whatever it is a single or a multi-line.
    Because the button at the right of the entry is "Add[Enter]" , so you must be coherent
    So as now, entering to add a new line after using to start the multline mode.... is really disturbing.
    (1) enter = submit
    (2) shift-enter / alt-enter = add a new line in multi-line mode
    (3) ctrl-enter -> disable that key in editing mode

  5. Dolina Zamkova, Yes, you are right, I should have said "for every item", (whether single or multiple line). Thanks for catching that.

  6. Jim McGuire, Philippe Demoulin

    I offered double settings:

    1. Global. Account settings. To specify the way to close the item by default — (Enter) or (Ctrl + Enter).

    2. Local. List Settings. Checkbox near a list name — to establish a way of closing of the item for this list — (Enter) or (Ctrl + Enter).

    Thus each user could choose the way accepted personally for it. The user is given the chance to try different scenarios before he chooses constant for himself.

  7. Monday morning, everyone! Thanks a lot for the comments. Seems we should definitely simplify the current multi-line text editing, as everyone finds it cumbersome :)

    How about such default behaviour:
    - Use Enter to start a new list item
    - Use Shift(Alt)-Enter to start a new line in the editing mode
    - Use Enter to finish editing (always)

    And the alternative (setting):
    - Enter to start a new list item (same as default)
    - Enter to start a new line in the editing mode
    - Ctrl-Enter to finish editing (always)

    I don't think we need a per-list setting because the aim is to adapt to customer habits, and it's not that change from list to list, I think.

    On the other hand, in case of the alternative 'multi-line' option, I would expect Checkvist to open a multi-line text-area when creating a new list item. Just to imply the multi-line text? Or is it too much?

  8. You can't change  the basic default behavior just to facilitate the multi-line.. while multiple lines is not often used in final... most of the people using CV as tasks manager adds single lines entry (with note to add details to the task), no ?
    Your alternative breaks the use of the "<-" button on the right of the new entry which is "enter".

    The 1st behaviour fits all the requirements for a single line entry, while the multi-line mode is only driven by the use of shift/alt enter to add a new line.
    This behaviour fits the one, for instance, with bullets/numbered in Office: shift-enter adds a new line to the same bullet, while enter opens a new bullet

  9. Philippe Demoulin If a person selects the alternative option, the button will change to ^<- . But the default will support the typical 'one-line' per list item behaviour, with Enter to submit text and Shift(Alt)Enter to start a new line. And in this case the button will show < to avoid ambiguities.

    But we'll definitely invite all to look at the pre-release live version as soon as we have any.

  10. (Response to Sasha's RFC:) I am relatively happy with the current state of affairs on this matter, and alas, am incapable of becoming motivated on thinking the ins and out-factors through at this moment. I shall thus simply submit myself to the results of the common reasoning of this respected committee. :)

  11. Actually I'm ok with the way it is. The question is, how important "normal" text editing in checkvist's tasks (or notes) is for your users. For me, it's not that important, but I like that it is there. However, I think I could also go with your "default".

    Definitively wouldn't want to always press ctrl+enter to finish editing a task (or note). Working in Checkvist is lightweight and quick. ctrl+enter isn't quite right for a central action. (Even the shift in shift+gg is a bit of distraction because I'm using it really often.)

    Maybe it's enough to better visualize that "multiline mode" is active and ctrl+enter has to pressed to exit.

    As you mentioned, it should be a per-user setting, not a per-list setting.

  12. I prefer the current implementation to the suggested alternatives Sasha Maximova. Activating multi-line mode by using shift+enter once is nice because then I can type as normal from that point on (e.g. simply pressing enter to create new lines).

    I definitely would not want to have to use ctrl+enter to finish editing all tasks/notes regardless of whether they are multi-line or not as I would have to do that dozens of times per day.  Not fun.

    There is a bit of additional mental load when switching to multi-line mode (e.g. that ctrl+enter is required to close the field), but perhaps some UI tweaks could be used to indicate that the field is currently in multi-line mode.

    For example, the field could have a colored-glow border, and a little "multi-line" label could be displayed in the (top-right) corner.  This would be a visual cue to help users remember to save the text using ctrl+enter instead of simply enter.

  13. I actually didn't understand that there was such as thing as "multi-line" mode, so for me it just seemed like I had to use control-enter most of the time, which I found cumbersome.  I personally would prefer to have enter committing the item as the default (or an available option), since I habitually use shift-enter to get new lines within an item anyway.

  14. Hello everyone! We've just updated the Beta (https://beta.checkvist.com) with the new multi-line option. Please, check it out https://beta.checkvist.com/auth/profile#appearance Thanks!

  15. It's strange that this option has been added since most of the feedback appeared to say that users liked it the way it was.  Checkvist's "automatic" multi-line mode was an innovative feature that made it easier to add  longer text notes on-demand (saving you from having to type shift+enter for every line).

    Now the default behavior has regressed to the original behavior (have to press shift+enter for every line rather than typing normally), and the new setting forces you to type ctrl+enter for saving any task or note.  Both options are slower than the current functionality on the production site (e.g. "automatic" multi-line mode).

    Here's the kicker: keyboard shortcuts are for users who understand that they will need to remember the shortcuts.  If a user does not want to deal with remembering the shortcuts, they can use the buttons to save tasks/notes.

    Don't punish power users who want to work as quickly as possible in Checkvist.  Adding some UI tweaks to clearly indicate when multi-line mode is active may be all that is necessary to help users know which keyboard shortcuts to use to create new lines or save the note.

    Example: http://imgur.com/k4qjTZ7

  16. Tried it and agree with Sol M. The old Checkvist style is best. Could live with the new default, but it's a step back. Ctrl+enter is a pain. Wouldn't want it. Doesn't feel like the rest of Checkvist.

  17. Hello, thanks for the comments!
    We played with the Sol M's idea a bit over this weekend. The result is a hint text when the textarea expands, and the 'Submit' icon change.

    You can check it out right now on https://beta.checkvist.com

    Thanks again!

  18. Kirill Maximov Yes, that makes it much clearer!


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