"Expand to Level" should respect context like e.

"Expand to Level" should respect context like e. g. "Export" does. Example: When tasks are selected, EX exports only those. When nothing is selected (ESC), then EX exports the whole list. "Expand to Level" should work the same way, and not always expand/collapse the whole list.


  1. Hello Ralf,

    Thanks a lot for the idea, it is quite reasonable. I've added it to the uservoice: http://checkvist.uservoice.com/forums/2121-general/suggestions/10986018-expand-collapse-to-level-or-branch-should-consider, for the record.

    Don't promise a quick implementation, though.


  2. No promise expected. I have seen you strive to provide a consistent UX. And you're doing good.


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