Feature request: new key 'tr' ("tag repeat") to add the last-used tags to the current item.

Feature request: new key 'tr' ("tag repeat") to add the last-used tags to the current item. I'd like to be able to tag one item with some tags, then quickly add those tags to several more entries.

The tags to be added would be the last string I put in the 'tt' dialog box. The 'tt' box could advertise the new feature:


  1. Hello Drew,
    Thanks for the suggestion. Have you considered using multiple selection to select several items, and set the tag for it with 'tt'?

  2. For me, tagging using multiple selections works fine. What can be a bit of a pain, though, is removing tags. It needs positioning the cursor in a large line of text. I would prefer pressing TT, move to the tag, and then press DELETE to remove it. (Everything but the last step is already implemented.) Other removals are already optimized (clear due, clear all tags).

  3. Kirill Maximov Nope, I didn't know you had multi select at all :o

    Is there a "hide these tags" search filter? I'm tagging today because my task list was getting too long and I wanted to group some items for ignoring (but I don't use separate lists because those never get looked at; and if I use collapsed sublists then I can't put the main list in priority order).

  4. Drew Perttula May be you still could consider moving those items to a separate list, and create a recurring task to review those postponed tasks?
    After all, you're trying to ignore items without ignoring them :)

    Answering your question - unfortunately, we don't have an option to 'hide items with a tag'.

  5. Since I am familiar with this use case ("task list getting too long and needs to be focused"): Often I move the tasks that are to be ignored for a while to a subtask, add a review date, and sort the subtask by date. Another option is using a tag and add custom CSS for it to make the tagged tasks less visible (whatever style you like).


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