Came across Checkvist a couple of days ago, and am evaluating as a possible replacement for my current ToDoist +...

Came across Checkvist a couple of days ago, and am evaluating as a possible replacement for my current ToDoist + Trello setup.

Must say so far I'm pretty blown away with what you guys have done here. Keyboard shortcuts up the wazoo, markdown, hoisting (yay!), great export options. Lots of really nice choices.

The question for me is whether these good things can outweigh my general preference for native apps on all platforms (but especially mobile). Will see. But whichever way that goes, I'll be pointing out Checkvist to other folk.


  1. Thanks. The beta looks pretty good, albeit obviously incomplete. My preference for native apps isn't only about performance, but from my testing so far this does perform very well.

  2. Like you, I found Checkvist after using other platforms. Checkvist shines in overall control, but mobile is under work - meaning mobile display. As for mobile input, I'm waiting to see the Android widget. Meanwhile, I found myself drifting toward using Keep in conjunction with Checkvist.  I'm not going back to Todoist, but I'm interested in how your flow combined Trello and Todoist..

  3. Edo Amin Elan Nothing fancy. I don't combine them so much as use them for different purposes: Trello for project-based stuff, and ToDoist for more atomic todos and various lists. I will occasionally use Trello board/card links in ToDoist. These tools work reasonably well for my purposes, but ToDoist can be frustrating when I'm doing a lot of input or rearranging: inadequate keyboard shortcuts, and no way to copy lists (ie for use as templates).

  4. Just out of interest, what advantages do you see google sign-in offering?

  5. Good point on sharing. Yet another login is rarely welcome. Shame OpenID didn't catch on.

  6. An example where native apps provide less friction is navigating between lists: on the desktop CheckVist takes about 2s for a different list to load, whereas the equivalent action is generally instantaneous in native apps.

    Not a deal-breaker in itself because there's workflow flexibility, eg. I could keep my most-used lists open in different tabs and/or emphasise more within-list nesting etc.

  7. Glad for you that you recently discovered Checkvist.  It's great at making CHECKLISTS!!!

    Let's hope the developers don't fall prey to Zawinsky's Law!!!

  8. Michael Reville That is nice! Thanks for the tip about beta.


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