Slicing and Dicing

Slicing and Dicing

The sorting power of Checkvist is quite handy.  Is there any good way to sort by Tags?  

I can assign every item with a particular tag to have a particular priority, then sort by priority... but of course, the number of tags can very easily exceed the number of priorities available.  

It's possible to filter by tag, select all items of the filtered list, move them to a temporary list (named HOLD, for example), then move them all back to the top of the original list.

If moving to another list included the originating list, this would be quite an easy way to sort by Tag.

Anyone have a better way?


  1. Hello Jim,

      To move items with specific tag within a given list you can filter, as you do, and then cut the selected filtered items (Ctrl+X or Cmd+X on Mac). I suppose, you use multiple selection to select needed items.

     After that you can reset filter (rf), remove current selection (ESC) and press Ctrl+V to paste the items at the beginning of the list.

      If you don't remove the current selection, items will be pasted below the currently selected item.

     May be this is a bit faster than using an intermediate list?

     Also, you can perform a global search for a tag within all lists, not sure if this would help in your case.


  2. Kirill Maximov, that works pretty well!
    Yes, it's faster, and quite easy.  Thanks.  The reset filter command appears to be the magic I needed.  Checkvist is chock full of magic...

  3. Glad to help :) 
    More magic is available under '?' keyboard shortcut. 
    Also you can find out this cheat sheet useful:


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