I would like to store 100% of my data local or in my own cloud service, without a copy of my data located at or...

I would like to store 100% of my data local or in my own cloud service, without a copy of my data located at or moving trough a checkvist server. This would able me to use checkvist with sensitve data. Is this on a todo list of yourse? (maybe part of the offline possibility that is comming out in the near future?) Antoher question in this domain; is, and will, my personal data stored in the outlines on checkvist servers never be sold in any way?



  1. Hello Erik,

       We don't have plans to use external storages for storing working Checkvist data, in a form you suggest. There is another outliner, Fargo, which works this way. But due to such approach, it doesn't allow to collaborate on the same document the same way as Checkvist allows.

      Regarding data selling - your data is only yours, and we don't have any plans to sell the data whoever. The data is not encrypted in the database, so if a bad thing happen and our servers will be cracked, the data could be stolen. Your passwords are, of course, safely encrypted.


  2. Thanks for the complete awnser and your suggestions.


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