hi, is it possible to wrap tags in the selection window, making the tags smaller to see them all, see attachted...

hi, is it possible to wrap tags in the selection window, making the tags smaller to see them all, see attachted image?


  1. Hello Erik, thanks for noticing the problem. Could you please take a look how it now looks on https://beta.checkvist.com - I've deployed a fix.


  2. no problem: A) I do not know if this needs to happen but https://beta.checkvist.com redirects me to https://checkvist.com/checklists#main. B) tags are now wrapped = good. C) fixes-needed: 1) red selection bar stays on top line (this used to move on hover I think) 2) header text below tags (should be above, at least in my brain :-P) D) additional: option to make tags smaller with CSS or something (if this is not already possible, I did not check)

  3. Redirect is rather strange, it should redirect from beta to beta, not to the main site.

    About fixes - selection was always there; given that we use keyboard to show this popup, we show selection immediately.
    header text and tags - may be, but next time :)
    making tags smaller - you can do this with CSS like 
    .checklistsList .tag {font-size: 80%;} or something.


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