I have a repeating task "Write monthly report".

I have a repeating task "Write monthly report".  I add subtasks to it, each listing a detail I will need to include in my next report. When I create the report, I include most of the items, but decide to leave some subtasks for the next report. Then I send my report and hit "space" on the "Write monthly report" (repeating) task.

The task drops the "Overdue" flag, gets crossed out and so do all the subtasks. Now I lost the indication of what tasks remain for next month.

Any thoughts on how I could handle this better? Perhaps this is a kind of task that should not be automated?


  1. Hello Edo,

      In Checkvist, a parent task cannot be completed when any of its children is open. So if you close a parent task, all children are completed as well. There is UNDO for this operation, so you could undo closing a task with subtasks.

      On the other hand, you could delete those subtask which are not to be done for the next report. All other tasks will be re-opened because their parent will be reopened due to repeating due date.

      Not yet sure could could you accomplish this otherwise. May be, you can set repeating due not for the parent task, but for a subtask?

      - Monthly report
          - Fill the report (repeating)
          - report step1
          - report step2
          - report step3


  2. I see. It's workable, with two caveats: 1) That for repeating tasks, one uses delete instead of complete by strikethrough. 2) IOne needs to enter tasks for the next report in "strikethrough" mode.

    I think I will do something else - create a separate, non-repeating task for each of the monthly reports.


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