How do I:

How do I:

define different css styles for nested level x?
e.g. If my list is:

And I want to give all nodes of the (1) level the same style.

I know how to style everything with a certain tag. But how do I automatically style the nested nodes inside the node I give a tag?

IF I tag ① with 'important-task-tree' I want a certain style to be applied to all nested nodes: A, B, C, ... and also a certain style to be applied to  A(1), A(2), B(1), B(2) and so on.


  1. Hi! Answering your first question - you can style any nested level. Just add the desired number or 'ul' before the 'li'. In the example below all second level items will be red, all third and deeper items - blue.

    ul ul li {
      color: red;

    ul ul ul li {
    color: blue;

  2. To style the list items nested under certain tag, try something like this:

    .tag_tagname + ul li {
      color: red;

    Hope this helps :)

  3. Great! These were two things i couldn't find in the FAQ! Maybe it's best to add this knowledge to the FAQ as well!
    Thank you!!!

  4. Hello, glad it worked! It's hardly F enough for FAQ :)
    but I'll add this to our list of CSS samples,

  5. How would I change a certain tag's background color?

  6. Hello Sangeetha Murthy 
    You can do change tag color either in the 'Tag' (tt) dialog window, as described here, or on the Tags page (just click the rectangle to the left of each tag).


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