Hi! I was wondering.. Does anyone know about any proven way of importing / converting opml files to indesign?

Hi! I was wondering.. Does anyone know about any proven way of importing / converting opml files to indesign?

thx for inputs!


  1. OPML describes a structure, Indesign is a publishing tool. 
    What kind of conversion do you expect?

  2. i am aware of that. indesign provides the ability to handle xml files as a means of structuring content and formatting with predefined styles. so i was wondering whether the contents in a checkvist list can be "automatically" distributed among formatting styles and paragraphs rather than having to re-format rich-text with tabs and such..

  3. Thanks for the advice! I'll look into it to see whether I can deal with it.. japanese and coding are two things I don't normally use.. ;)
    Generally asking: To me, it would be a great thing to see some widely used exporting options in checkvist, such as word, excel, even the described XML for Indesign (maybe even more).. As checkvist is my go to application for anything that needs structuring (long before mindmaps that is), i often need to be able to import it somewhere else for further editing / formatting / layout without having to delete tabs/spaces/semicolons and such in a tedious process. (maybe there's a nice opml converting tool out there?) 
    as for the rest: you really know how to build a user-friendly tool! thank you for making my life easier!

  4. Yes I agree - It would be great if you took care of the export function for us beyond the clipboard appraoch.  it took me a half hour of research to figure out how to get the clipboard based .opml into OmniOutliner.  First I had to paste into Word - then save as .txt and then change the suffix to .opml and then open from Omni.   Now that I know it's not too bad - but I hate to think of all the folks that run into the same thing and just give up and move onto to another app with export.  You are so close - taking that final step for us would be awesome.  Thanks Kiril!


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