Is it just me or is there currently a problem with offline access on Android?

Is it just me or is there currently a problem with offline access on Android?
I have tried with the newest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Opera but they all show just a blank page (no error message) as soon as I am offline. The test with Firefox was after a fresh install of the browser so it shouldn't be related to old data on my side. I also tried another website with offline access and it worked fine.
Any ideas what else i could try?


  1. Hi Jutta, sorry for the problem. Just checked it out - looks our recent update broken the offline mode. Going to fix this ASAP.
    Thanks a lot for letting us know.

  2. Hi Kirill, thank you very much for your fast answer! No problem, I'll simply work online until you have a fix :-)

  3. I will guess this is related to not showing lists correctly currently on Android Chrome. The m site works on desktop Chrome. On Android is showing me list and incorrectly saying no items.

  4. Yep, looks much better for me now, too! Thank you Kirill Maximov​

  5. It is not the final fix, there are still some glitches. But I'm glad it works for you :)

  6. I was just getting a blank white page but the latest Android Chrome update has now implemented drag-to-refresh. When I do this my lists reappear - even when offline.

  7. This is exactly the problem I haven't fixed yet. Hope to fix it soon.

  8. Hello Everyone, I hope the offline mode on android is fixed now, without extra reloads. Please check it out!

  9. Had to re-create the home screen app but works well now. thanks!

  10. Confirmed - everything is working now. Thanks again Kirill Maximov​


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