Hello Checkvist.

Hello Checkvist.

I've noticed that bold 'bb' formatting doesn't work in Firefox, while it works in Chrome.
But I can see I've discovered that search is case sensitive.
Recently I've failed to find the note only because the key word was starting with capital symbol.
Also I didn't have success when was trying to find for example 'table', by typing 'ta'.
Search works great when the task I'm looking for is in the list below, but not when the task is in some other list.


  1. Hello Andrey,

      Thanks for noticing the problems, we'll take a look what can be done.

  2. Hello again,
      We've fixed the 'bb' problem in Firefox - it was a styling issue, bold looked too thin :) The fix is on https://beta.checkvist.com

      Regarding the filter and search. Currently we have 2 related operations:
      1. In-list filtering. It works when you're typing text in the filter field, and works in the scope of the current list only. It works with parts of the words.
      2. Global cross-list search. It uses server-side index, and supports only whole-words search, i.e. it doesn't allow to search parts of the words. Also, this index is renewed each 10-15 minutes.

      I suppose the difference between these two operations lead to the confusion :(

     Best regards,


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