How often checkvsit send data to google calendar?

How often checkvsit send data to google calendar?  When i intergrated it with google calnedar all my tasks with due date information where added, but new task with where added to checjvist after integartion dont appear in google calendar (((


  1. Hello Andrei, Google syncs the data roughly once per day, as far as I know. Unfortunately, there is no way to influence the update interval :(

  2. Hello, Kirill. Thank you for your reply.
    In and this problem has solved by some way. Perhaps there is a way to to influence the update interval?

  3. Thanks a lot! When we implemented this feature there were no way, will look deeper!

  4. Thank you. Bat i have update for this topic.  I've added Due date for my note more than 2 days ago, but it didn't appeared in Google Calendar till now (((.  What's wrong?

  5. Most likely, Google some refresh problem :(
    Does it appear there if you renew the external calendar link?

  6. Yes, it appear if i renew link (delete old from Google Calendar and add the new one)

  7. I will re-check this. Possibly there is some glitch from the Google side, may be there is a workaround.


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