Hello friends!

Hello friends!

Those of you who missed GitHub flavoured Markdown support, and code highlighting can log into http://beta.checkvist.com and see how it works.

Another thing to try are changes in multi-line text editing. Now when you edit a multi-line text, Enter starts a new line, and Ctrl (or Meta) Enter submits the text. On one-line list items, Enter works as Submit. 

As usual, we'll be glad to hear about the bugs and glitches. If anything looks or behaves ugly, we'll fix it. The main server update is planned for the end of the week (hopefully).



  1. I start to play with.
    Image, link, lists, code text, these work
    I didin't just find how to create a footnote:
    [^1]: this is a footnote

  2. Thanks for trying this, Philippe Demoulin !
    We haven't added footnote support. Do you think it is needed? Footnotes are not a part neither of basic Markdown, nor its GitHub variation.

    Still, I'm glad other syntax works for you :)

  3. Yes, I agree that footnote is not in the standard flavours of MD.
    Well, I use footnotes very often. The main problem with MD footnotes in an outliner environment is: where are you
    * allow the footnote text to be enter ? Just below the text it refers too (shift+enter) ? At the end ? But the latter means thta you have to parse the whole document to discover the footnotes !
    * render the footnotes ? In the last entry of the document... perhaps a new entry Checkvist has to create/update on-the-fly ? What to do if the user open a new line ? Move the footnotes rendered entries below ?

    Sorry for other readers: I use "line", "entry"... instead of the commonly used "task" and so on... but I use Checkvist as an outliner (http://outliners.scripting.com/) not as a task manager

  4. Hello Philippe,

      Thanks a lot for your thoughts. Initially after your mentioning of footnotes I tried to quickly support them in Checkvist. But I immediately realized that there are questions like the ones you've mentioned - how to render them correctly, where to add them?

      Which led me to the thought of using footnotes with Markdown export (which I'm working on now). If an outline is exported to a valid Markdown document, the question with footnotes can be resolved, for instance you can reference footnotes in your list items, and have a final section in your outline which would contain footnote texts.

      Would you find Markdown export useful, what do you think?

  5. Yes.. because Checkvist > export_plain_text > cut&paste Byword/Marked... you have a significant amount of work to obtain a correct rendering.
    Main troubles:
    (1) the "(open)" at the end of each line... yes, I know Checkvist is not a outliner at its foundation LOL
    (2) what about the two trailing spaces for breaking the line ?
    However, I'm still exploring the plain_text way

  6. To avoid (open) at the end of each line, you can un-select checkbox "task status" in the export dialog.
    Regarding two trailing spaces - we can add them during Markdown export - it will be a separate option in the export dialog. 

    Actually, for Markdown export, we thought to provide an option to export top-level list items as Markdown headers, up to specified depth. For instance, you can set that top level items will be exported with prefix # and second level items with prefix ##. The depth (0..6) can be specified in the export options.

    The idea is that one can outline, say, an article or a blog post; add content/text paragraphs, and export the ready Markdown document.


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