Issues discovered when using Chrome extension and bookmarklet.

Issues discovered when using Chrome extension and bookmarklet.

The context menu posts a popup frame with authentication challenge which cannot be dismissed using the 'close' link.

The Chrome extension doesn't have a 'create task from website' command: it only enables viewing and editing of the lists in the popout frame. 

The context menu extension (bookmarklet for Chrome) doesn't detect an existing authenticated session - it prompts for credentials even when a persistent session has been established. 

Can't these extensions be merged? I don't want two separate extensions for Checkvist, especially when they seem to require separate authentication.


  1. Hello Roger Searjeant !

    Thanks a lot for your feedback.

    Checkvist extension and bookmarklet extension should be merged, of course. The current situation is that we also have to migrate Checkvist extension to our account, because it was created by another developer.

    Also, the extensions have different ways of authentication, Checkvist extension uses your current authentication in browser, Bookmarklet uses token-based authentication and works via Checkvist OpenAPI. I'm not yet sure how to overcome this.

    Ideally, I'd also want to develop FireFox extension with the similar functionality (lists + bookmarklet).


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