Feature suggestion: A few customizable buttons or links for my favorite searches

Feature suggestion: A few customizable buttons or links for my favorite searches

I'd love to be able to convert some of the keyboarded searches that I use over and over into a few links or buttons at the top of the screen. For me, that might be items that are due now, as well as items that are due now AND have high priority. If I had a link at the top to click, I'd love that. Keyboarding is great, but a single click to see something I need to see so many times.... would be even better for me.


  1. Thanks a lot for the suggestion. We'd love to implement this too, but so far it has a little lower priority and we don't have enough hands :)
    Please vote for the corresponding request in our tracker here: http://checkvist.uservoice.com/forums/2121-general/suggestions/1673527-support-saved-searches-dynamic-lists

    Also, you can use a workaround from the comments to this request to create a bookmark for the saved search.


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