Can the tag be added to the list of approved tags?

Can the tag be added to the list of approved tags? Currently, when you attempt to use it the way you might use a
tag, it is sanitized (the "<" characters are turned to "<"). I record a lot of quotes, and it would be really handy to be able to be able to use a one character tag to wrap them instead of a ten character tag.


  1. Hello, Rebecca O'Connell We've added the tag to the 'white list', it should now work on (same data, same credentials). We'll update the main server later this week. Thanks for the idea.
    By the way, you can also use Markdown syntax for the block quote, smth like:
    >quotation, another line
    Whatever you prefer :)

  2. Wow, that was fast. It looks great. Thanks for the help.


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