I have a question; is it possible to share specific list items between lists?

I have a question; is it possible to share specific list items between lists? If not, this would be an extremely powerful feature.


  1. Doug,
    Have you tried simple copy and pasting. I am able to copy a checklist item and paste it into another list I own, and the copy and paste function will copy over the items and all of its children. For sharing between accounts, you also export plain text and then select the portion you want to copy over, copy it, and import it.

  2. Rebecca, thanks for the response. We thought about that but then any changes made to the copied list item aren't reflected in the original list (and vice versa). We want to have a single copy of the list item reflected in multiple lists so we can group it differently, hang other items off it, etc, but still have any changes made to the item itself (including status) propagate to all lists.


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