Something I keep coming up with on my workflow:

Something I keep coming up with on my workflow:

1) I review a list and have questions about a few items on it that are assigned to someone else
2) I email people that the tasks are assigned to the questions outside of checkvist

It would be nice (but may go outside of your design/desire for simplicity) to ask people these questions from within checkvist in a way that I can make sure they are followed up with or answered. This way I can search for unanswered questions and people can get updates in email with my questions and can easily answer them in checkvist themselves.

Does that make sense? Have you thought of this before?


  1. A way to tag users in notes? With addition of status open or closed tag?

  2. Actually, when an assigned task is changed by a non-assignee, Checkvist sends a corresponding notification to the assignee (within 5-10 minutes).

    So you can simply add a note to the list item you have a question about.

    Also, Checkvist sends the notification when any sub-item of the assigned item is changed.

    For your scenario, you can add a sub-item "Discussion" for the assigned task, and add notes to this subitem. But, to get notified about changes in this Discussion, you should assign it to yourself (or watch all changes in the list, globally).

    Would it work for you?

  3. Yeah I rarely use tags at all, so a combination of a tag and a note would probably do it. Thanks for the ideas...I'm probably missing out by not using the tags enough.


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