I'm having an issue with searching.

I'm having an issue with searching.  I have a task with a word that I'm looking to find.  I have it within a particular list, and when I am at the top level of Checkvist with all my lists displayed, I try a search for a key word in that task, and it does not find it.  If I'm in the list itself, it search finds it. Am I missing something to enable a global search?  Is it possible to do a global search?

Thanks for your help!


  1. Hello Marcos,

      The global search reindexes your lists once per 10 minutes (roughly). 
      Also, the global search works for full words only, and doesn't search word parts (as opposite to in-place filtering).

      Global search is done either by clicking the "Search" button or by pressing Enter twice after entering data to search field.

      Does it help?

  2. Unfortunately, no.  I am still not able to find an item in my list that exists within another list.  I read the recommendations on the search ahead of time, so I was using whole words.  I thought perhaps it was case sensitive, so accommodated that, but still I am unable to do that search.  "Nothing found   :-("  It's been at least 4 hours now.  Anything else I'm missing on my end?


  3. Hello Marcos,

      This sounds like a bug. If the problem reproduces for one word only, or for different ones? Could you give us some more details on this? You can use e-mail to provide more information.


  4. Issue fixed... its more than 10mins before it index... i actually times over 25mins.. 
    but it works..

  5. Burgess Xavier  Thanks a lot for letting us know. Looks like we have to review search subsystem in Checkvist to see what can be wrong there.


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