Checkvist mobile app v.0.5 -- Fixes, fixes, fixes!

Checkvist mobile app v.0.5 -- Fixes, fixes, fixes!

This update brings more usability and general bug fixes, than new features. Which is just logical -- the more features, the more things to fix.

First, we've found a bug in application update process. Unfortunately, to eliminate its consequences, you need to clear browser caches before opening
Here is how to do it for Chrome:
Here is how to do it for Firefox:

So what does this update bring to the app?

- Editable list item attributes. Now you can change and add tags, due dates and assignees when editing a list item (with smart syntax). Yes, this should work offline as well.
There is a known issue on Firefox mobile, though - it crashes if you try adding tags or due dates using smart syntax. We'll try to find a workaround for that.

- 'Add list item' link at the bottom of the list. Helps to add new list items one after another. And if you open an empty list, it's the only possibility to start populating it :)

- Editing bug fixed,

- Layout problem fixed,

- Remember state of the option 'Use an empty line as a list item separator', also fixed,

- Some links to existing lists were not clickable, fixed now.

As always, many thanks for the help improving the app. Taking into account the number of devices and mmmm... peculiarities of some mobile browsers, it's quite a task. And what would we do without you? :)

(Just a reminder, the forum for mobile app requests is at

Well, it's time to work on the next update now. Off to work!


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