I really enjoy using Checkvist.

I really enjoy using Checkvist.
But I have some questions.

1. I create a task and set repeat property, then I complete it and select  "Delete all completed tasks". In this case, current completed task and feature tasks will be removed. Is this behavior specification (not bug)?

2. If yes, it is not my expectation. I would like to delete all completed tasks except tasks which have repeat properties. How can I satisfy the requirement?

Thank you for such lovely tool!


  1. Thanks a lot for pointing out! Definitely, we didn't consider how 'wipe' operation would work in a case when some tasks are repeating. 

    Will fix this, thanks again :)

  2. We've made the fix and uploaded it to https://beta.checkvist.com 
    Please take a look is it what you expected.

  3. I checked beta-checkvist.
    It seems that work well!
    Thank you for your quick response!


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