

Can I suggest an export to LaTeX. This would be fantastic, for example when working on a beamer presentation. Here's how it could work

Level 1 --> Section Level
Level 2 --> Subsection Level
Level 3 --> Slide title
Level 4 --> Line / bullet point

Perhaps there should be a way for people to create more custom exports?


  1. Hello Nick,

      You can export list to OPML format, and use some XSL script to convert it to whatever you want. This requires some XML-XSLT skills, but quite doable, I think.
      As a simple inspiration, you can take a look at this blog post - it shows how to convert Checkvist list to CSV format:


      Hope, this helps,

  2. Thanks.

    Not sure I'll be learning XSL skills, but there is an OPML2LaTeX converter as part of the multimarkdown package which I'll explore some time.

    Best wishes



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