I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but is there a setting that can be turned on so that tasks can have a...

I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but is there a setting that can be turned on so that tasks can have a check mark to show if they are completed (as compared to the line-thru and greyed-out text)? Otherwise, Checkvist looks like the tool I've been searching for!


  1. Hello Clint,

       Unfortunately, there is no such setting. You can enable checkboxes on the "Print" view of the list, if you're going to use pen, but there is no such support in the generic Web view.


  2. Hello, Clint! You're right, it's a rather popular request :) Some modification can be achieved with custom CSS, before we've implemented an easier way. If you have a PRO account (or a trial version), you can paste CSS into the text area at the bottom of the Settings page.
    For instance, this code adds check marks to the closed items:

    span.task_closed {
      color: gray;
      text-decoration: none;

    span.task_closed:before {
      font-family: 'FontAwesome';
      content: "\f14a";

      margin-right: 5px;


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