Looks like we forgot to mention this for our Friends :)

Looks like we forgot to mention this for our Friends :)

Originally shared by Checkvist

Checkvist mobile, v.0.3 -- Add a new list item

Hello, friends! It's time to update Checkvist mobile web app http://m.checkvist.com
In this update:

- Add a new list item
- New ui/interaction model

Starting from the latter -- now mobile version has the same interaction model as the desktop one:

- TAP to set selection on a list item (== click in the desktop version)
- DOUBLE-TAP to edit (== double-click in the desktop version)

When a list item is selected, the toolbar changes to show available actions (so far there are only two):

- Complete/reopen the list item
- Add a new list item

While adding a new list item, you can use Checkvist's syntax, it'll turn into proper due dates, tags, etc.

And one more bright side of mobile web apps -- they update automatically as soon as you launch them. This update requires also to re-login, though, but otherwise it should work 'out of the box'.

As always, we'll be thankful for the feedback http://buff.ly/1jCcupp



  1. Hello Kirill,
    I'm very interesseb by your project and i will know how are developed it. Technologies you have use for this wunderfull project : checkvist
    Jquery? html5? php? canjs? prototypejs? Can you tell me more about your tehcnologie used for realised this application.

    Best regards

  2. Hello Robert,

       Backend is the same as checkvist.com, ruby on rails, 3.2.x so far.

       Frontend is HTML5, CanJS, jQuery, IndexedDBShim. QUnit for tests.

       IDE: RubyMine from JetBrains.
       When I started the mobile Checkvist project, I made a couple of blog posts, here: http://kirblog.idetalk.com/

       Work in progress :)

  3. Sorry Kirill,
    I'll talk about webapp

  4. Web app is Ruby on Rails + PrototypeJS, MySQL database. Sphinxsearch as a global search engine.


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