I love this tool so very,very much thank you so much for creating it!

I love this tool so very,very much thank you so much for creating it!

Now ;)
I had this idea of adding IF and OR Logic to Checkvist ,instead of just AND. I tend to think in IF/OR/THEN/ELSE trees anyways, which I imagine is why I like Checkvist so much to begin with  . It just seems like, to me a lot of Checkvist users would find this a cool/useful feature, and I don't believe I have ever seen IF and OR function on another list editor before (and I have seen a lot of list editors) so it would be a first.

Here is a quick and dirty mock-up of how that might look.
Tell me what you think?


  1. Hello Mike,
       I'm afraid I don't get it. I.e. what is your use case for this IF/OR in Checkvist. Currently we have a request on adding OR/NOT functionality for list filtering and search, but I can hardly imaging how to apply IF there:


  2. Oh! Sorry, for the confusion I guess I got ahead of myself.

    It would be simply to apply  IF/OR to the lists themselves, the Idea being that currently a list completes when all the AND statements are done. I.e Do, this, AND that, AND, this, AND that. Now, that is wonderful for remembering long chains of sequences, but it lacks any kind of feed-back into the list and requires you to know exactly what you want to do before you do it.  As I said before, I tend to 'think' in contingency trees, so I tend to use Checkvist not only to "remember" things I know about, but also to "plan" things I don't now about. I do a lot of research, on many different projects everyday, and I move allot of information around, and by end of the day, I don't know, what I don't know and therefor what I'm doing tomorrow. So, I use Checkvist to sort of pre-program, what I'm going to find-out and what decisions I need to make after I find-out, and how to make them, and hopefully after making a list, see the line reasoning I was on when I maid it. 

    The point is simply feed-back and contingency. Right now, the only feed-back is to mark a list item as done, not done, or cancelled. With "IF" I could show that new information was found, write the information in the note field and move the flow of the list to the new branch. With "OR" I can show that a decision was made write why it was made in the note field and move down to the next item. IF and OR would make Checkvist much more powerful, by adding contingency and open planing to lists, instead of just record keeping and remembering. 

    Also, it would help me with my wife ;)   (I work with her, on projects all the time.)

    P.S. sorry for this being so long.

  3. Hello Mike,

       Have you considered using tags? For instance, you could use tag #if, #or for better visualisation of your list items. This won't give you the progress line on the index page, but at least may bring more meaning to the list view.

       Not directly related to your question, but you may find useful an option when parent list item is not completed automatically when all its children are closed - you can enable this on user profile/settings page.
      So far, incorporating IF/OR logic for calculating list item statuses sounds as a too complex solution for our users.

      Thanks for your feedback and ideas :)


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