Hi, I would like to display our company logo on the print layout.

Hi, I would like to display our company logo on the print layout. How could I achieve this? I'm using the PRO version of Checkvist..


  1. Hi! This is not implemented yet, but you can overwrite print.css, see the code and instruction one the original request page, http://checkvist.uservoice.com/forums/2121-general/suggestions/5352890-please-add-the-option-to-have-one-s-logo-on-the-pr  Please, let us know if it worked for you.

  2. thanks a lot!
    it worked, though I'm still working on a way to hide the border of the list title #h1Id

  3. Oh, good :) As for the border, please try this:
    h1#h1Id {border: none;}

  4. Great! Thx for the quick reply!
    If I could place one more wish, it would be easy integration with MS Office (no idea how this could work), but you know, sometimes you just have to work with that stuff..

  5. I wish we could make this happen as easily as css styling :) Could you please give us some more details on your workflow and how would you like Checkvist to integrate, at our forum http://checkvist.uservoice.com? We'll see what we can do - integration with other apps is going to be our main focus once we've released the new mobile app.


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