Getting out of the shade: Checkvist mobile alpha preview

Getting out of the shade: Checkvist mobile alpha preview

Disclaimer: 'alpha' is not by any means a release quality software, it has bugs, missing features, it's half-baked, slow and not polished. The intent of the whole 'alpha release' is 
- to show you the direction in which the app is developing 
- collect early feedback and ideas from the brave ones so the release version could be better
- give you something useful so the outcome is worth your suffering from the bugs :)


Checkvist mobile is a web app - you don't have to go to a 'store' to get it installed. Instead, open the address on your mobile device and
- (iOS) add the application to Home Screen
- (Android) add the application to Bookmarks, and then add that Bookmark to the Home Screen
- login with your usual credentials

What the app can do now

- sync your lists and view them all offline and online (so far only first 10 lists will sync automatically, the rest are grayed out, but if you tap on such a list name while online, it'll download).
- filter the lists on the index page by name and by tag
- show list contents, including notes, as a hierarchical list
- collapse and expand list nodes
- hide completed items option (under the list name in the top bar)
- compelte/re-open tasks by sliding right and clicking the checkbox (more actions coming soon)
- capture a note: a quick way to add something to your lists without looking for that list first, and the only way to add a new item (before we've implemented list editing). Something like a mobile bookmarklet. PRO customers can add attachments from the camera.

All those features should work offline and online. Even when you're offline, you can open your app, view lists, add notes (via 'Capture a note') and later sync them back to the server, when you have an internet connection. One note: to sync changes, please open the app. It can't sync in the background.

What's not there (yet)

- better list syncing
- speed
- list filtering
- text editing
- list item reordering with drag-n-drop
- more actions, like setting due, tags, assignees, colors, etc.

We hope that even on this stage the new app can be useful to those who need to check off their lists on the go, or add new notes. And of course, we are looking forward to your comments and ideas that always help us develop better. Please, leave them below the post, or write directly to


  1. smile plz ;)
    Safari = Ok;
    Dolphin=Ko (login screen does not appear)

  2. Thanks a lot, Philippe! It is a surprise for me that the app works on iOS5.1, because we target it to iOS6 (at least this is the version when one can attach files to notes).
    And thanks for pointing out to Dolphin - we didn't test the app on this browser, will do!

  3. Authentication failure on mobile site, when attempting to login from Google Nexus 7 device. Double checked credentials - retyped carefully.

    Used exactly the same credentials to login on website - they worked fine from Chrome / Windows 7.


  4. Roger, could you please try logging in to from a browser on a desktop - would it work?

  5. Wohoo! Go checkvist! Will try it out.

  6. Kirill Maximov Hi Kirill - yes, the site works fine from Firefox on my Windows 7 laptop.

    On the Nexus 7, if I try to access the mobile URL using (I think you should support https), Firefox (Android edition) detects an invalid site certificate: the cert is valid only for the existing URLs and appears to have expired. If I 'accept the risk' FF  then shows the default web front page, not the mobile site.

    If I access in the Android FF browser, it goes directly to the mobile front page. I've just tried again to sign-in and today it works!  I wonder if yesterday's failures were in fact my fault.  I was careful when entering the password each time, but today it's fine.

    Quick first impressions:
    - Is there a way to edit existing entries? Tapping on a list item doesn't appear to do anything.
    - Similarly, no way to move entries around.
    - Once focussed on a list, there's no way to add a new item (you have to go back to the list-of-lists view).

    I know you've warned us that this is an "alpha preview" and I completely understand that development of a good mobile application is a non-trivial activity, but for this kind of application a good mobile solution is really important.

    I am also a Todoist (paid) user. To be honest, because the Todoist mobile application is so good (it even works pretty well on my Android phone) I will inevitably be comparing the Checkvist app with Todoist, however unfair that might seem given your alpha status. 

    Overall, I prefer Checkvist and would like to consolidate in Checkvist, possibly dropping Todoist. But the Checkvist mobile story is so poor currently that I can't really do that yet.  I suspect there are many other folk who will make the same comparison.  I think you could win a lot more Pro subscribers once you have a first-class mobile app.

  7. Roger Searjeant Thanks a lot for your first impressions. You're absolutely right that the current app is very limited, and we plan to extend its functionality. That what pre-alpha status means :). Adding/editing list items, moving them around - these are our next top priorities (besides bugfixes and performance improvements).
    Thanks again!

  8. After playing a bit with Dolphin  - looks like this browser doesn't like our app a lot. We probably won't make efforts for fixing this.

  9. Android/chrome. Cant expand list nodes...

  10. Thanks, Tobbe Mattsson ! I've checked, and it looks like expand/collapse doesn't work reliably on Chrome. Will take a look.

  11. Tobbe Mattsson Collapse/expand should be working now on Android/Chrome, thanks again for pointing out!

  12. Works like a charm indeed. Great work Checkvist!

  13. A small note in addition to my previous comments; sliding left doesn't seem to work on Firefox for Android on Samsung G Note 10.1. Just drags the whole page, as if the event just bubbled all the way to the top uninterrupted.

  14. Sliding left won't work, correct, but sliding right should. Does sliding right work? I've just polished it a bit to be more smooth.

  15. Oops meant that yeah. Oh, apparently there was just quite a delay when loading page before it worked.

  16. Awesome guys ! Thanks so much :)

  17. Can't seem to get past 'Loading your lists' on my Samsung S3.  I've tried clearing the cache but no luck.

  18. Norm Goertzen Have you tried it on the default browser or on the Chrome? Please let me know if this works on Chrome.

  19. Yes, it worked with Chrome, just not the default browser.  Thanks


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