Searching should be specific on the item text or a tag.

Searching should be specific on the item text or a tag. Search presently is searching on item text AND any tags. Would be better to be able to selectively search on one or the other.


  1. Ralph, I'm afraid I don't quite understand your need. Are you asking for OR rule for search terms, like here:

  2. No, I'm not asking for OR logic. When I search for text when I can't specify a tag vs the item title text to search, any tags I have created may be in a title and that 'catches' a title item...when I'm only searching for tag text. A checkbox would be the way to handle this:  [  ] Search tags only

  3. Ralph, to search by tag, you should explicitly indicate this in search syntax, like tag: important or #important
    Checkvist doesn't search by tag text when you just type the text.


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