Is there a way to toggle "due tasks of other people" in the due screen using only the keyboard?

Is there a way to toggle "due tasks of other people" in the due screen using only the keyboard? I'm beginning to use that screen quite frequently for my timeline and keep smaller project-based lists on all of the projects in my life. I need the "keep people accountable" workflow too which means I'll toggle to that view quite regularly.


  1. Hello Michael, this is a rare place where we don't have a keyboard shortcut, sorry.  We thought this feature will be rarely used, so we didn't provide one.

    Do you have a suggestion, which shortcut could we use for this?

  2. To me it's similar to "Hide completed", so you could rename the feature and say "Hide others" and make it [ho]. But I'm coming at it thinking of that not as an add-on to that screen, but as a filter to the screen.

  3. I think "Hide others" would be rather vague in the Due context. 
    On the other hand, if we move this option to the filter - we'll make it a way less discoverable. 

    I've added your idea to our internal list of issues for Due page, but you may want to write it down to as well



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