A feature idea: a lot of times I'm needing to edit an attribute of a task (like who is assigned to it).

A feature idea: a lot of times I'm needing to edit an attribute of a task (like who is assigned to it). So I press "ee" to edit it, then Ctrl + Right Arrow to go to the end, then @Michael to assign it to me. Could there be a shortcut like "ea" to edit an attribute, which would easily let you edit attributes inline in the text of a task? Or am I missing some existing feature?


  1. Thanks for the idea - looks like we still have to work on feature discoverability. You can use 'ae' shortcut to assign people for tasks.
    Also, try 'aa' shortcut - I suppose you'll notice some more hidden features :)

  2. Great, the "aa" really helped me see the options. Thanks again for the tips.


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