Is this the right forum for a bug report?

Is this the right forum for a bug report?  I typed xx at the root of a 278-task list immediately followed by control-z and lost everything in my original list except for the one remaining "due" item.  No amount of unfocusing brings back all my items, even though the list-of-lists still reports it as having 278 items.  When I unfocus, the result still has the ... that indicates focus.


  1. Opened a fresh browser, and used the pin icon, rather than the "..." or shift arrow to unfocus.  All better now.  Not sure any longer if it was a bug or operator error.  Additional info: the main window did not have a focus item before this sequence, but the Chrome add-on drop-down was showing only "due".  Maybe some confusion between the two windows on Checkvist's part, or between focus vs filter on my part?  If you can't recreate the behavior, I can try to recreate it for you.

  2. Hello Charlie, it is OK to post problems and bug reports here. Do I understand correctly that you've found your data? 

    About reproducing the issue - we're going to a rather small vacation right now (our eldest son is 21), and we'll have a limited internet until sunday. So if you reproduce the problem and outline the steps - I'd really appreciate.

  3. Yes, my data is found.  I believe there is an xx-undo bug/mis-feature.  I'll try to recreate with less important data.


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