Any chance we could get a keyboard shortcut for moving an item to the end of it's parent node's child list (or the...

Any chance we could get a keyboard shortcut for moving an item to the end of it's parent node's child list (or the end of the list itself for top-level items)?  "me" for "move end" maybe?


  1. You can move a list item to the bottom of the list with Ctrl (or CMD) End, and on top with Ctrl (or CMD) Home :) 
    When we make the shortcuts work the same in the hoisted mode, you'll get exactly what you want, I guess. Added this to our to-do list. Thanks a lot!

  2. Ahhh, I should have read the docs again before asking :)  However, this seems to only move the selected item to the end of the list instead of the end of the current node's children.  When I try it on a nested item, it pops the item out of the hierarchy and sticks it at the end of the list.  Seems like it does this even if you hoist the parent node to focus on it.  Any way to move the item only to the end of the current parent's child list?  Thanks!

  3. > Any way to move the item only to the end of the current parent's child list?  
    Not yet :) But we'll implement this behaviour (for the hoisted node) in one of the nearest server updates.


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