I have noticed a decline in my use of Checkvist, which is too bad because I love the tool.

I have noticed a decline in my use of Checkvist, which is too bad because I love the tool.  First I blamed my team partners, then I blamed the lack of mobile...
... and then it hit me: my life has become too un-organized (I am under-employed at the moment).  This is my problem, not the tool :)


  1. lol, we've all been there Doug Yeager, I think.

  2. Doug Yeager  just a short note regarding the mobile - it is in works.
    By the way, what are your main pain points with the current http://checkvist.com/m mobile UI?

  3. the mobile works best for task entry, and looks fine on a phone, but a little sparse on my Nexus 7.  I am not an expert in mobile development (cowardly person that I am).  Parsing all of your keyboard short cuts to touch would be interesting.
    What I really desire is offline access - to be able to use it on the plane or away from wifi on my tablet. This of course gets into client/server synch (yuck), but the idea of persistent connectivity is expensive when applied to every device you own.

  4. Doug, thanks for describing your needs. The offline access is the top priority for the new mobile version of the Checkvist. 
    We're working on it :)


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