Hello felllow Checkvist ers, I'm keen to use checkvist as my sole tool for managing my projects and todo's.

Hello felllow Checkvist ers, I'm keen to use checkvist as my sole tool for managing my projects and todo's. It is certainly powerful enough to do this.

One worry that is holding me back is that if I cannot get on line I cannot use the tool. I had thought about printing or .pdf-ing my lists on a regular basis or downloading the .opml so that I can use another off-line outliner tool if necessary.

But all of this is too much overhead.

Am I being unnecessarily worried? It is not often that I get a total outage of web access.

Oh - and the up coming mobile apps are likely to reduce some of this stress for me.


  1. In Checkvist PRO, you can setup (in Profile > Backup) an automatic backup and/or manually download in one shot all the lists OPML files in one zip

  2. I personally manually download the ZIP each Friday... just  after my weekly review ;)

  3. Philippe Demoulin it would be great if there was a way to get a copy of the backup automatically sent on a pre-defined day of the week.

    Great idea to download the zip after a weekly review. I'll add that to my Weekly Review checklist!

  4. Hello John, Philippe,

       A mobile app with offline access will be our first priority after we've finished with repeating task feature. We're going to embed offline capabilities into the very first version of the new mobile Checkvist client. Sorry, no estimates - the task is rather complex.

      About periodical backup to e-mail or Dropbox - you may want to vote for this feature in our uservoice forum: http://checkvist.uservoice.com/forums/2121-general/suggestions/2462808-automatic-backups-to-dropbox-or-email

      All the best,

  5. As I stated it on the shared Feedback list, it would be great if a date stamp could be part of the name of the downloadable zip

  6. Actually, the shared feedback list relates only to Tasks for Checkvist iPhone app, so it is better to post suggestions here or in our uservoice forum: http://checkvist.uservoice.com

    Adding timestamp to the manual backup filename would be simple, the only thing which stops me from doing this so far is that it breaks existing behaviour - some people may expect the same filename for the downloaded file, as it was before. A possible alternative is adding a checkbox "include timestamp to filename" on the form.

  7. Kirill Maximov +1 for the checkbox

  8. Philippe Demoulin The next server update will contain the fix with timestamps in the manual backup filenames. Thanks for the suggestion!

  9. On http://beta.checkvist.com the downloaded backup name contains the timestamp - so you can check it out :)

  10. Great Kirill Maximov : it works. Thanks.


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